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The Regional Health Information System (RHIS) project in Southeastern Ontario needed a consistent name and brand to help unite six large partner organizations and help the public understand the project. 

A massive healthcare undertaking, the regional system will replace paper-based records, and provide a single source of individuals’ health information and clinical tools that will help health-care workers coordinate and deliver safe, high-quality care throughout the region.


To reflect the move from an old, cumbersome system to a bright future with easy access to information, we named the RHIS "Lumeo."


Lumeo is derived from "lumen", the latin word for light. This name speaks to the unifying power of light and how clarity will improve outcomes for everyone in the region.


The tagline "Better Insight. Brighter outcomes." is about the opportunities that come from easy, equal, and timely access to information. It's speaks to the way informationfuels understanding, encourages collaboration, empowers ownership, informs our choices, and instills confidence. When we can see clearly, we can do our best.


About Lumeo HRIS



Kate M Webb Communications, Toronto, ON

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